Woohoo! I'm so excited I finally finished all of the packs I've been making for Unit 1 for the Macmillan McGraw-Hill Treasures Reading series for 2nd grade! I've been having a teammate look them over for typos or anything that is wrong. I didn't want to upload any of them to tpt or tn until I had ALL of unit 1 done because I thought my store would look sad. lol I made a start smart pack and then packs to go with each week in the unit (so the story of the week, spelling, vocabulary, and then also the small group resources) and then a review pack which has 5 games for spelling and vocabulary from the unit. So as soon as she gives me the a-okay on the last 3 things I've sent her, I'll post them and we'll be good to go! Yay, look at me posting on tpt and tn and doing a blog! Crazy! It's been so hot here I haven't wanted to leave my air conditioning. Even going outside to water the garden made me sweat! So I've stayed in trying to finish this up. Now I can start Unit 2. My goal is to have the first 3 units done before school starts up again. We'll see if that happens!
Okay now we'll see how I do with uploading something to google docs for the first time to share as a freebie with you! I made this this past school year for my students to practice writing book titles correctly because no matter how many times we did it in class, they'd forget one of the rules. I didn't like anything I found online for my students so I made this. The first worksheet I've made. Hope you can use it (and that you're able to download it!) Click on the link below to access it.
Book Title Pratice
Stay cool! :)
This is a great *freebie*. Thank you so much! =)
Heather's Heart
thanks for the freebie!! love it! welcome to blogland!!! BTW...I started following you earlier in the week!
A Passion For Primary