Sunday, April 14, 2013

It's me again

I have been lazy again when it comes to blogging.  I know.  I say it every time, but I will say it again.  In the summer I'm sure I will be on here more, like I was last summer when I started this, but for now I'm lazy.  I had every intention of coming on during spring break, but I was very busy and the week flew by!  Our spring break was the week leading into Easter so I had a lot of Easter basket shopping to do, crafts and baking to do, and then Easter things to do.  It was also my Dad's birthday.  So I never made it on.  Then my mom fell at work and fractured her hip.  Crazy!  So my siblings and I have been helping my parents with things at their house too.  All of that on top of working all day and all I feel like doing is being a blob on my couch.

Here are some pictures of some of what I was up to, a White Sox wreath I made my Dad and his baseball birthday cake, as well as the Easter Bunny cupcake cake I made (banana split cupcakes, triple strawberry, and chocolate fudge).  

I have also been planning my Disney vacation that I'm going on with my sister, her husband, her daughter, and her father-in-law.  I love Disney so much that I invited myself along and became the planner of the trip (which I have loved!  I'll be sad when it's done!).  So that has been a priority for me too, even though we're not going until the beginning of August.  I've been on the Disney blogs hunting for tips and tricks and deals!

It's that time of the year now when my kids are crazy and can't stop talking.  It hasn't helped that it's been cold and rainy so they have cabin fever because they can't get outside!  I was very happy for this past week to be over let me tell you.  The rest of the month will be the same because it's continuing with work, trying to get stuff done, before May hits and there are a lot of interruptions to teaching (which helps the cabin fever).  As the kids start to get crazy, I start looking forward to next year and a brand new crop of kids.  Now I love my kids, I really do.  However I always get excited near the end of the year, thinking of the new things I can do starting the following year, and the things I want to change.  With going full-fledge common core next year that is my main focus, to get organized and ready for that, along with how I'm going to do it.  I am also thinking I want to start like the Daily 5 Math for my math time instead of doing it how I did it this year.  I think I'll better meet my kids needs that way.  Any suggestions for great common core resources?  I LOVE the SunnyDays assessment packs she has for common core (as well as other resources she has!).  I'll take any help I can get!  Also if you have any great links or ideas for Daily 5/BUILD/math centers, I'll take that help too!  Right now I'm just blog surfing for ideas, which I love to do.

Okay I'm going to leave you with my bulletin board pics since the last time I posted and HOPEFULLY I'll be on again soon!  Happy Sunday!  :)

We did these for Presidents' Day.  We usually have the kids write about what the would do if they were president and then we usually do a silhouette of their head to go next to it, but we didn't have time or any parent helpers to do the silhouettes this year so I modeled this project after the one from Cara Carroll's Pint-Sized Presidential Fun pack.  I thought they turned out cute.

These were a mash-up of 2 project ideas I found a long time ago.  The mug craft came from ThirdGradeBookworm and the marshmallow writing paper came from Mrs. Lirrette's Learning Detectives.  I just added real mini-marshmallows instead of the paper ones, and I let the kids decorate their mug how they wanted instead of putting the face on (I just took her copy and made cardboard tracers).  A trick, let the mini-marshmallows sit out for a couple of days and then they are nice and hard.  This way the kids won't try to eat them and it makes them easier to glue.  :)

I had mentioned this in a previous post and gave the writing template as a freebie on my blog here.  We did this to predict whether March would come in like a lion or a lamb.  This was an optional art project, more students started it, but they didn't finish, which is why there is the 1 lonely lion.  March came in like a lion too, so he was right!  lol

The writing paper and leprechaun came from some teacher resource books.  It's supposed to look like he's holding the paper in front of him (the head and feet should be glued on the back), but oh well.  Then we took the pot of gold craft from A Modern Teacher and had the students write about what they are Lucky to have.  It's a great one for getting kids to think.
Now we're on to Flat Stanley, which was the spring break project.  They are just starting to come in and are due on Friday.  Here's a sneak peak of what they look like so far...
So far Stanley has stayed at home with many and visited Iowa, California, Orlando, and Miami.  One from Texas just came in Friday after school.  :)  I love this project!