Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Back-to-School Night

So tonight was my school's Back-to-School night, which is basically, open house.  Parents come in to learn about our classroom.  This year it's earlier than normal (usually it's the week of Labor Day), but I'm fine with that because then I can get it over with and parents can get the information earlier.  So my classroom was ready, I had put up our Who Am I? clue sheets/self portraits/pictures from the first day of school.  I had also put up our wishes for 2nd grade.  In their letter they got from me before school started I had them get an All About Me poster ready to get them ready for school and so we could learn about each other.  I had everyone's poster in the hallway that has brought one in.  Then today I had the students make the "folders" that I put all of the information I pass out in (just a folded large piece of construction paper they decorate), invitations to come tonight, and little people cut-outs made to look like themselves.  They also filled out the Parent Game (we've had it for a while, I have no idea where it came from) where they put in their favorite things and then on the other side are the same questions and the parents have to guess the answers.  Always good for while parents are waiting and the kids love their parents filling it out.  So we've been busy, busy, busy to get ready and it was only the 6th day of school lol.  Then today after school I put all of the information on the desks in their folders.  I taped their mini me to their chair, so it looked like they were sitting in it, and I added the apple and cute saying about how parents are teachers too idea from pinterest.  I also got my back table ready with conference sign-ups (they're the first week in October) as well as party volunteer sign-ups.  It was hectic!  I also got everything ready on my computer so I could easily pull it up on the projector when explaining things.  I had one parent show up 15 minutes early, but it was no big deal.  It was nice talking with her and she was great while I finished the last minute details.  Then everyone came and I had a long line out my door as they were waiting to pick a conference time.  Then after the principal and PTOs announcements on the tv, I started in on my shpeal (sp?).  I got it all in on time (usually I talk fast and end early, but I think I did really well this year!) with just a couple of minutes to share.  Talked to a few parents, everyone was super nice, and very appreciative of everything done so far, and everything I shared tonight.  Once my room was empty and I looked around at the desks, I noticed that everyone had come!!  Nothing was left on the desks except the note the parents left for their child (another fun thing the parents do and the kids love reading them the next morning, it's a nice surprise).  I couldn't believe it!  This is my 11th year teaching and I have NEVER had all the parents come.  It's fabulous because I have 22 conferences scheduled.  Normally, I'm hunting people down to get a time from them.    So super happy about tonight.  I'm also continuing to love my class, which is awesome since you would have thought this group (grade level) as a whole were horror children from the stories we heard last year.  I think I was lucky this year with the group I got.  Hopefully I continue feeling that way.  Hopefully things continue to go well with parents as well this year.  I'm also happy that I'm getting better with talking in front of the parents.  My family could never understand why I didn't like public speaking when I stand in front of 25 people (basically) every day and talk.  Talking to the children, as you all know, is a completely different ball game than talking to adults.  I'm getting better with that though too.  I only had tiny butterflies when they first started walking in, but then they went away and it was great.  So yay for getting it under my belt and now I won't need to worry, stress out, and get a million things ready until conferences.  lol
Let me tell you though, my legs are feeling being back in school.  After being lazy all summer long and siting/laying around, my legs are like what are you doing after standing all day.  I'm good all day long as I'm going, going, going, but once I get home and sit on the couch, boy do I feel how tired they are!
Well thanks for letting me share how my night went.  Success!  :)

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