Monday, August 27, 2012

Monday Made-it, First Full Week

Well I "made-it" through my first week back at school, made a couple of made-its to go along with the fantastic 4th Grade Frolics Monday Made-it, and I'm hoping to make-it through my first full week with students.  Hopefully they'll make it with me!  lol  So with getting back into the swing of things with my class and getting everything ready, don't have too many things to share today.
The first thing I'm going to share are the Teacher Survival Kits I made for my team.  I got the idea from here.
So I bought 3 small bait boxes from Wal-mart, picked up some travel sized items (tissues, lint roller, tide pen, hand lotioin, chapstick, gum, and candy), and covered the tops with a title I made.  I game them to my team at our first team meeting of the year (Oh, and I also attached hand sanitizer to them, it didn't fit inside) and they loved them.
My other made-it was inspired by Run! Miss Nelson has the camera, when she made her super cute bumblebee stick to hold as guide for students when going out for fire drills and other fun things.  You can see it here if you don't remember.  Well I LOVED the idea, so I made one for my room, but did it to match my rainforest theme.
Very excited about this one, thanks for the idea!  That's what's great about these Mondays!!!
Hope everyone has a great week!  :)


  1. I LOVE your monkey stick. Your kids will all want to hold it. :) Thanks for the shout out.
    Have a great week.

  2. Love your teacher survival kits! Your blog is super cute:)
    Fourth Grade Flipper

  3. The monkey stick is too cute for words! LOVE IT! I am your newest follower! Come check out my blog when you can squeeze in a peek.
    - Michele
    Multiage Moments

  4. Cute monkey stick!! I am sure your team appreciated the survival kits- very nice of you to do!
    Conversations in Literacy

  5. Your monkey stick is adorable!! I'm a new follower- stop by sometime!

    The Learning Tree

  6. I love your monkey stick! That is cute! I'd also like to invite you to my new linky party called "Fun Friday." It is all about the fun things we do in our classrooms. I'd love for you to come by and link up (even if it is not on Friday).

    Teaching Fourth


I'd love to hear from you! :)