Sunday, September 23, 2012


That about sums up how everything has gone this past week.  Since my last post, I got sick.  Wednesday night I only slept 3 hours because I was in the bathroom all night.  However I didn't have a fever and I felt fine in the morning so I went to school.  It was completely fine.  I didn't feel tired or anything.  Everytime I woke up during the night I was wide awake and couldn't fall back asleep so when the 6AM alarm went off I was up and out of bed getting moving, which never happens.  I hadn't known how I would feel in the morning so I had typed up sub plans during one of my wide awake spells so they'd be ready to go just in case.  I really didn't want to miss school though because we had a visit from the fire department coming that went along with our fire story for the week, we also had a fire drill (which completely freaks out one of my kids), and my kids had spelled out COMPLIMENTS! so they had earned toy day.  I did not want to leave all of that for a sub, but I had it ready to go just in case.  Made it through the day no problem and was relieved.  Then Friday was Institute Day so we could start getting ready for conferences.  Let me tell you it was a good thing there were no students because I was totally feeling the effects of my sleepless night then.  We had so much information given to us too in some meetings I had in the morning that my brain was full.  We also found out we had to add more data info to our conference forms which we weren't happy about.  We only have 15 minutes for conferences so to talk about what we see in the classroom and then all of that data is going to be pushing it.  Yes it will help support some of the goals that we will be writing for the students, but not in all cases.  So after a long day at school going through all of that and getting ready for this week I went home and cleaned my house and did laundry.  I did all of that because I was baby-sitting my niece Josie on Saturday and we had a busy day ahead.  We made birthday brownies for my sister and then later on went to my niece Mandy's baptism and then back to her house for a baptism/birthday party for her brother Ryan who is turning 12.  So that was a hectic day too.  Then there was today.  I got all of my grading done and half of the info on the conference forms for my kids filled in and done.  I did not get the huge pile of dishes done that I had left in my sink from Saturday, but oh well.  Luckily I think I did catch up on my sleep.  Now this week I will be working, working, working to get all of the conference forms done and trying to keep up with everything else as I have another busy weekend next weekend and then it's conference week!  This is why I say Ugh!  lol  There is so much other stuff I want to do, but I just don't have the time for it right now which is driving me a little batty.  Oh well.  I'm going to leave you with some pics of my room that I took after my last post and wasn't able to post since I was out of commission.
My bulletin board to the right of my door.  It's my start of the year welcome bulletin board.  Each banana has a student name on it.  It will be taken down soon for student work.  
My Wish for 2nd Grade papers my students did.  You can find the paper in a past post.  Just click on freebies in the Label section.  These will be coming down soon too to go in their writing portfolios.  I have matter things we did that will be displayed here instead.  
My "Who Am I?" board from the first day of school.  I have done these for years so it was funny to see them pop up over blogs and pinterest.  The students fill out clues about themselves and then when you flip up that top paper there is a self-portrait and photo of who it is.  These too will be coming down and going in their portfolios.  
Now on to my Writing Center.  As you can see I have the fabulous writing center from A Cupcake for the Teacher on a pocket chart in my writing center and then on the back of the blue pocket chart are mini red pocket charts that hold the ideas for writing cards from Lori.  
Here is a picture of where all of the writing center supplies are held.  I got the drawer table thing at Costco a few years ago and love it.  It has the class shared journals there and other prompts, a baby name book for picking out fun names in stories, a dictionary and thesaurus.  There will be more paper added to the clear pocket chart and drawers, they are just at our copy center getting copied.  The other drawers hold crayons, markers, and glue sticks.  This way if any of those items are found lost on the floor they can be put there and if anyone needs one they can take from there.  
The wall to the left of my door.  This used to hold the All About Me posters my kids made to teach the class about themselves, but those went home and here is our writing process of the class personal narrative we wrote about the first day of school.  This way the students can go look at it if they need a refresher on what step is next and what that means.  

I'll leave you with that today.  Hope things have been going well with you and hopefully I'll get everything done that needs to get done!  :)

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