Monday, July 22, 2013

More Disney fun and School Monday Made-It!

Well another busy, busy week, but I got a lot done.  Time to check in with 4th Grade Frolic's
So LAST Monday I was determined to get some school stuff done.  I organized my Common Core Resource binder and I finished two school projects and put some more on my to-do list.  
So my first school Made-It is my spin on the "How Are You Going Home Today" organizer.  I teach in a neighborhood school so 90% of my kids either get picked up or walk/ride their bike home.  I also teach in a K-8 building so with that many kids, we have different exits for the kids depending on how they are going home.  1 door is for walkers/car-riders, 1 room is where the little kids go to meet with their big siblings before they head home, one is the main entrance, another is the gym which is where K-4 students that are car riders get picked up from, and then there is the exit for the daycare and bus riders (for our 1 bus).  So my chart lets me know which door the child is going out so in case the office asks, I can tell them.  

I spray-painted some clothespins green that they will use.  I'm deciding on whether I want to use my label maker on the clothespins for their names (that's what I'm leaning towards) or if I want to use their numbers.  
The other Made-It I did was my take on the Homework Club that has been floating on Monday Made-It the last few weeks.  I used Tara's awesome numbers from her free download (Thank you Tara!!).  Now I do not have a problem with students turning in their homework.  Hopefully I won't this year either.  My grade does weekly homework packets, and my students do a great job turning them in.  Sometimes they are a day late, but still they get turned in.  What I have a bigger problem with  getting turned in, are their Monthly Reading Logs.  We have a school wide monthly reading program, The Wolves Reading Club, where the students win, almost like brag tags, for turning them in and they also get coupons to sporting events and restaurants.  I'm lucky if I get 50% of my class to participate and I even put it as part of their homework.  So, I took the Homework Club idea and made a title to go with the monthly reading club.  
Wolves Reading Club, Are YOU in it?  
So happy with how it turned out.  I hope it will motivate my students to do it.  The classes that get 100% participation even get to play the wii on a Smartboard.  That doesn't seem to motivate them, but hopefully this will and at least I'm rewarding the students for doing what they are supposed to do too.  
I was very happy with myself for getting those done.  I also finished the Tinker Bell tanks that my sister, niece, and I will be wearing when we head out to Disney in 13 days.  I did the iron-on transfer and bedazzled it for some pixie sparkle.  
Another check-off on the list.  
Tuesday was Mary Poppins lunch at my sister's house.  This week my sister didn't have either of the other girls during our movie days, so it was just Brynn with us.  
So we had tuna fish finger sandwiches with a salad and then I made some petit fours because we thought that sounded like it would go.  They were yummy.  
We did both activities after eating this time.  The first activity was chalk drawing, to be like Bert in the movie. 
Then we made a paper kite, "Let's go fly a kite, up to the highest height, let's go fly a kite and send it soaring."  
She was very excited to show it off.  lol  
It was around 90 out so then we went in the pool and later, out to dinner.  It was a fun day.  
Wednesday was even hotter with a heat index over 100, but we had already planned on the 3 of us going to Six Flags Great America with my brother and Josie, so we headed out there.  I used my free teacher ticket and my co-teacher gave me hers for Jodie to use.  Because it was so hot, there were not that many people there so we hardly had to wait in any lines.  We kept cool and hydrated and had a fun day.  
Thursday I started working on a new unit for my tpt store, but I haven't finished it yet.  I've been meaning to do it all summer, but hadn't gotten around to it.  It's about half-way done.  At least it's started!
Friday, Jodie and Brynn came over to my house for Peter Pan night.  
We started out with a treasure hunt with a map of my little townhouse area outside for Brynn to follow to find her treasure, Tinker Bell tattoos.  
Pointing to where to go on the map.  
She found it!  
Then we came in and watched the movie and had Pirate ship Pizzas with fruit kabob pirate swords.  
For dessert it was brownies disguised as an island.  
Then the next activity was tracing her shadow.  However, we were having a hard time seeing her shadow, so instead we had her lay down on black paper and traced her and cut it out.  Then my sister took this picture.  It was very cute.  
Saturday, got to do my monthly scrapbooking session with a friend.  I was happy because I was able to start my 2013 album and got through Easter scrapbooked.  My goal at the beginning of summer was to be caught up by Disney, but I don't think that's going to happen.  We'll see.  
Sunday I went out to breakfast with my parents and then Jodie came over to my house.  We did some Disney shopping of snacks and essentials and then we watched Oz the Great and Powerful while we made the last of the Disney hair bows.  
My sister made these.  I had asked for her to make one for me and after she did it, she thought it was so cute that she thought we should each have one.  You can find the tutorial for it here.  
This one was a team effort.  It's 3 layers.  I put each layer together and then she hot glued them together and added the longer ribbon and button.  This ones's for Brynn.  You can find the tutorial for this one here.  
So a lot done last week.  I have my to-do list of things for this week, we'll see if it gets longer!  Have a great day!  :)


  1. Hi! I'm stopping by from Monday Made It! I really like your version of the going-home chart. Sometimes it will change during the day and the way you have it set up allows you to keep track of that. Thanks for sharing!

  2. I just wanted to say have a great time in Disney- we are going at the end of August and I can't wait!!! We made shirts the first time we went 4 years ago and it was so much fun! Are you staying at Disney or offsite? We stayed at all star movies 4 years ago and are staying at the animal kingdom lodge this time. Hope you have a magical trip and if you haven't found you should give it a look!!!

  3. I like your adaptation of the Homework Club. My wheels are spinning.

    Enjoy the final days of summer!



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